


  • 地址:江苏省丹阳市界牌镇海狮大道18号
  • 联系人:徐总  13706108165

Modified BENZ AMG E63 S 2018

发布时间:2018-05-29 12:46:54    浏览:13623

In the W213 version of E63, Mercedes - AMG is going all out to bring us the four model of a potentially small supercar, which changes with the increase in the demand for practicality. Of course, most of the super cars in the exhibition hall may leave behind the E63 S models. The following is an example of 2018 Mercedes -AMG E63 S. According to German PP Performance, the Affalterbach car has proved that it can be close to exotic and provide 10 seconds and 1320 feet sprint. Have we mentioned more than 4500 pounds of scales?

In fact, the car redesigned by the developer"s Abu Dhabi branch almost did not enter the faster arena, because it was only the first stage of upgrading. More accurately, the dual turbocharged 4 liter V8 engine has a power of 612 horsepower, 627 pounds - foot (850 meters), and has been promoted by 75 horses and 110 pounds - feet (150 meters). As the W213 model introduces a new AMG 4Matic + all wheel drive, the machine can make full use of its firepower.
